This is the hardest section of this site to write.
When we decided to dedicate our lives to educating young children, did we ever imagine part of our jobs would be rehearsing lockdown drills with our students?
It breaks our hearts when we must tell 8-year-olds, “If there is a lockdown, boys, and girls, and you are in the bathroom and can’t get back into our classroom, be sure to stand on top of the toilet seat so the bad guy can’t see you are there.”
Our fellow educators at Sandy Hook, Parkland, Uvalde, Nashville, and countless other school shooting incidents have thrown their bodies in front of “their” children to protect them.
Providing immediate point-of-wound care kits and the skills to use them aren’t part of our job. It shouldn’t be part of our job. This is not why we chose a career in education.
While we may want to say it isn’t part of our job, do we believe we would run away from a bleeding child or fellow staff member?
The reality is that when a bad thing happens, we will do everything we can to protect and save our children and colleagues. You know that is what we will do.
How tragic if, at that moment, we don’t have the tools and skills we need to make a difference and save lives.
SURVIVAL+ for Schools™ wants to help you have wound care kits and the skills to help save a life. That life saved may even be our own when surrounded by peers equipped with the same tools and skills.