Option 1:
If you have a budget to implement the Survival+ for Schools, Inc. recommendations, we can help you implement the program quickly.
Option 2:
If there is no or limited budget, Survival+ for Schools, Inc. will create a fundraising web page for you at no cost. Any community group authorized by the Superintendent of Schools and the Chief of Police can also lead this effort. The Superintendent of Schools and Chief of Police will receive monthly reports of all fundraising results.
No child or school staff member should lose their life because of budget constraints.
3 easy steps to get started.
Our children and school staff are worth the effort!
1st Step
The Superintendent of Schools and Chief of Police have reviewed and agreed to implement the Survival+ for Schools, Inc. recommendations.
The Superintendent of Schools – OR – the Chief of Police may independently implement the recommendations of the program in their area of responsibility.
2nd Step
The Superintendent of Schools and Chief of Police shall separately email the following information from their email business domain to info@survivalplusforschools.org
If you request fundraising assistance from us, please ADD a designated contact from the school district, police department, or 3rd party to receive the fundraising monies, as shown in this sample email.

3rd Step
the fundraising goals. We will then create your fundraising page and provide you with a kit to launch your fundraising efforts.
We do deduct the credit card fees we must pay and a small administration expense to sustain Survival+ for Schools, Inc.
No one on our Board of Trustees receives ANY compensation for helping to keep our children and school staff safer.
If you have any questions, please contact us at info@survivalplusforschools.org.